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Although I have never actually met most of my family members on my father's side of my family, something I hope to remedy sooner than later. One cousin in particular, my father's twin brother Art's youngest daughter Kristy and I have become extremely close over the course of the past year or so. Through numerous messages exchanged through facebook, her and I have gotten to know a lot about each another. We've shared our thoughts, hopes and dreams as well as our biggest fears, just  as if we've known each other our whole lives, rather than just knowing of each other. Recently, she wrote her first book, "Going Off Dreams", the first in a new series of fantasy novels she'll be self-publishing over the course of the next few years. With the re-release and revised edition of her first book, "Going Off Dreams" well underway and the follow-up, "For All In The Hope" slated for release in the middle of 2014. I wanted to get the inside scoop and learn more about how the idea for the book came about what inspired her to write it. Furthermore, I must admit when I first heard she was publishing her book. I was extremely proud and overwhelmed with admiration for her. It takes a lot of strength, endurance and will power to commit yourself to such a project and if anything could be said about my cousin, Kristy, it's that she does indeed embody those characteristics. 






























Do you remember the first book you ever read?

I don't remember my very first book I ever read but I do remember the premise - it was about a Native American woman. She was a spirit warrior and had to fight through her life. I just remember I could feel this immense power within her spirit when reading it and it's always stayed with me


Have you always wanted to be a writer? 

No. I remember when I was younger wanting to be a veterinarian until I learned that I would have to put animals to sleep. A computer test in high school told me I should be an astronaut (yeah right! - I have a fear of heights). My mom always told me that I should have been a writer and it wasn't until I was in my late 20's that I thought she might be onto something.


So I take it your mother is going to be the first person you would thank when you win your first Pulitzer Prize then? 

Definitely. My mom has been a HUGE supporter and is the one that always knew and kept the faith in my writing abilities.


What are some your favorite books? Who are your favorite authors? 

Some of my favorite authors are J.K.Rowling (Harry Potter), Charelene Harris (Sookie Stackhouse), and Stephanie Meyers (Twilight). My two favorite books are Breaking Dawn and The Host - both by Stephanie Meyers


Tell us about your writing process. What is the atmosphere like when you're writing? Are the lights turned down? Is there music in the background? 

I think the creative process is different for everyone. My creative process seems to be selective. Sometimes my goal is more work orientated and I can focus on the project that way. I feel my best is when I am "in the mood" to write or create. I use to sketch too and I was the same way with a pencil as I am with the keyboard. Most of the time the environment is full of noises - life. Sometimes I do listen to music or I do prefer low lighting. Music is a great muse for me.


So music is one of your muses. What kind of music do you listen to when you write? 

Well, this brilliant individual (I'm not naming names or anything *wink-wink*) introduced me to an artist Alvin and Lyle their track "Nightdream" I am in love with. I also have been listening to many mixes from Wonky Sensitive and affiliates. 


When did you begin writing "Going Off Dreams"? 

I began writing,I believe in 2009, I kept having a reoccurring dream. After watching a couple different author interviews both stating that they had dreams that lead into their series I thought, why not! So I sat down, closed my eyes and tried to convey everything to the reader that I had dreamed. This sequence is the opening to "Going off Dreams" (the apocalyptic neighborhood). The only difference is I was actually walking and talking with someone in my dream as where in the book the someone is more of a surprise or a mystery.


How did you come up with the plot for the "Going Off Dreams" series? 

When I started writing the opening scene I had this pull that whatever was drawing the protagonist forward had to be huge - bigger than life. After researching different Mythologies and studying scripture, the plot(s) seem to snap together like puzzle pieces. I felt like these characters already existed and they have stories to be shared and told too. This process was really enjoyable.


Have you always been a fan of Mythology? 

Honestly, I was probably a 'fan' before I even realized it. Growing up I was entranced by fairy tales and anything mystical. As a young adult I started studying the Bible and then have always wondered how the two could coexist together. I think that's when my brain wheels started turning. When I hear a story or read about a character in our human history I always wonder about the behind the scenes, what books might not tell you about.


Some of the characters in "Going Off Dreams" have some unusual names. How did you come up with those names and are any of characters influenced by anyone you know personally? 

When writing I went through a couple different name changes for the main protagonist. Finally, I decided on my nieces name because I love it so much (Eryn). The only difference is that the Eryn in my story is short for Katheryn. My sister's middle name is Lenora (Eryn's sisters name). Arden is my other niece's name. I believe these are the only influences from my personal life. When researching Arden's name - I knew there was an Arden Forest, hence why Arden lives in a forest and can control flora and forest things. Every name I chose I researched into. Halia has origins from water, very much like her characher and the same with Aella and air. Other than the Earthly realm, the names were researched and coordinated with their characteristics or abilities.


Which character do you identify most with? 

Probably Eryn - just because I needed that inside perspective and I could dive deeper within myself to express more to the reader. When I get into her head it is more like I am getting deeper within my to prob and try to convey what she's going through.


I noticed quite a few sexually explicit sections of the book that are quite descriptive.  It's almost as if "Going Off Dreams" is similar in nature to both the "Twilight" as well as the "Fifty Shades of Grey" series'. Are you a fan of those books? 

I am a fan of the Twilight series but I think Stephanie Meyers wrote the book sore tastefully and with much more experience. She didn't add explicit nature that I have. I remember debating with myself about including sex or not - to keep it clean or to not. Then I thought life's messy and from then on they've been included. Interestingly, I have not read the "50 Shades of Grey" series.


How has the reaction from "Going Off Dreams" been so far? 

Those that have read it seem to enjoy it and are anticipating the next installment. Initially, critics bashed that I did not have it professionally edited (grammar and I have never seen eye to eye) that and there were too many characters and that it was too confusing about the main protagonists name (how it is different in other realms), but more often people seem to love the story and how I've incorporated different mythologies and religious aspects.


It seems everyone's a critic. Do you let what critics have to say effect you or your writing? 

I know I shouldn't - but unfortunately negative criticism does affect me negatively. I step away from writing and the creative processes. Even though I know I shouldn't be writing to please others. I should just write to get the story out and when I receive positive reviews or criticism it fuels me to keep going.


Now I noticed "Going Off Dreams" is being re-released? How different will the new edition of "Going Off Dreams" be from the old? 

The only difference is that it has been professionally edited. There will be a new book cover as well.


So are you writing both book 2, "For All In The Hope" and book 3, " How Otlen Prepares Eternity" simultaneously? 

This is the tricky part of being a self-published author. Your pretty much on your own. Which has both it's benefits and it'schallenges. Originally when I wrote the first draft of "Going off Dreams" it was way too long so I split the plots up to cover the span of several books. I've been trying to keep notes along the way about different aspects but it is still difficult. So if I believe I have this brilliant idea for something down the line I write it in the notes to be included within that installment. In the first draft, Eryn's earthly realm is much different and mirrored my real life. I changed this before I decided to self-publish (for personal reasons) as well as strategic and for a more dynamic story line.


Have you set a publication date for your next novel, "For All In The Hope"?

I had originally wanted to release it around the time I was re-releasing "Going off Dreams". But as I was advised, I need to make sure the foundation is stable (edited) before I continue the series. After considering this, I decided that they were absolutely right. "For All In The Hope" is slated for a release date for Fall 2014, maybe earlier if I receive more of a following or demand for it


Have you any advice for other young writers?

Do your homework. While I researched the self-publication options, the one thing I wish I would have done more efficiently was the finished product. Make sure the content is where you want it to be. Try BETA readers and if they suggest editing or constructive criticism, listen - their voice is the voice of your target audience.I think something that any writer should understand - when we write, write for the simplicity of it - don't write thinking of the proverbial outcome.


Do you think print is dead? 

No! As much as I love e-readers, there is still a HUGE following for the physical book. We can still display them upon our mantels and proclaim ourselves well read and brilliant for having them... lol


Do you think it's right that "Catcher In The Rye" is banned from school libraries? 

While I have never read the story, I read the the ban was due to the content within the book of "anti-everyone" and "sexual" situations as well as "profanity". This book was released in 1951 - I don't believe books should be 'banned' but rather parents/guardians should be more involved and know what their kids are reading. They are the judges of what their children can handle and what is inappropriate. In this day and age, 'kids' are exposed to so much, that this might not even be an issue. The books might be banned in schools - but this wouldn't or couldn't stop kids from finding it at the local library or the preferred e-book methods... just sayin'.  It could really open the floor to teach our kids how to deal with situations instead of ignoring everything and desensitizing them to life.


Name one book you'd recommend to readers? 

The 'smart ass' in my head just suggested "Catcher in the Rye" - but if I had to suggest just one I would say the conventional Bible study guide. It's important to me. People might think that the Bible doesn't pertain to our lives anymore - not so. The stories within the Bible that teach us about life pertain to today as much as they did back then. You would think as a society we would have learned. By definition our history is insane (when you repeat the same thing over and over with the same results) have you ever heard the saying "history repeats itself"... again, just sayin' 


What's next for K.E. Nowinsky? 

Right now we are currently working on getting the cover shot so we can get the re-launch going. In coordination with this we are also working with a production company and other affiliates to produce book trailers and a possible web series. We plan to start a Kickstarter campaign for these projects and hopefully many more to come!





Introducing: K.E. Nowinsky, author of Going Off Dreams

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